Merry Lawal, a young, promising, vibrant and creative Nigerian is set to premiere her movie *’Strange Cabin’* on May 5, 2022 at the Paris Estate Palace Hotel in Abeokuta.
Strange Cabin is a fictional movie about a couple that fell out of love and took a vacation to rekindle their love. Richard (the husband) suggested that they visit his grandparent’s cabin but while they were in the cabin strange things began to occur.The movie according to Merry will encourage people to work on their marriage and it will explain steps they can take to work on their marriage.
‘Husbands and wives should not be too busy to spend time with each other’ Merry added.Merry Lawal disclosed that her role model is Stephanie Okereke another veteran actress and her movies are always unique and different from the usual Nigeria Movies.‘I just wanted to make a movie that is different from the usual Nigerian Movies’The movie *Strange Cabin* was directed by Sally Brown. Produced by Merry A. Lawal.