Usman Baba, the Inspector-General of Police, was given a three-month prison term by the Federal High Court in Abuja on Tuesday for disobeying a 2011 court order.
Following a lawsuit brought by Patrick Okoli, a police officer who was forcibly and illegally retired from the Nigerian Police Force, the IGP was sentenced to prison.
In addition, the court mandated that the petitioner pay N10 million in special and general damages for the unlawful, illegal, and unconstitutional deprivation of his (Patrick’s) rights and privileges as a Senior Officer of the Nigerian Police Force from 1993 till the present.
According to reports the court determined that the police chief should be committed to prison and imprisoned in a decision that was delivered by Justice M. O. Olajuwon.
Symbol NewsAlert reports that the court in a ruling that was delivered by Justice M. O. Olajuwon, held that the police chief should be committed to prison and detained in custody for a period of three months, or until his office obeys an order made by the court since October 21, 2011.