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I was asked a question, so allow me to ask it of you as well: Is AA also fighting for Kwarans?

And anyone who has an issue with Gov. AA or a casual observer will answer “no” since they are viewing the situation from the perspective of a governor’s potential profit.

I’ve asked myself this question countless times: What good is a good father to himself?

Or what benefit does a mother have for herself?

If a man fights to keep being a parent, are we saying that he is fighting for himself? After all, he is a spouse of a wife and the father of his children, for whom he worked hard to provide?

If a woman is battling to keep her position as their primary caregiver, can we claim that she is fighting for herself?

A mother who claimed she wouldn’t leave her kids might be thinking more about the kids than about herself, just as a father who is trying to keep his house.

It is not that personal when a good governor fights to finish their term; it is more like a parent battling to keep their house.

If one honestly considers the work that Gov. AA has begun and the spirit that drives it, one will not want those efforts to come to an end. What difference does the governor make?

If he is currently struggling mightily to finish those tasks, the struggle cannot be characterized as personal.

Because such a person will believe that everyone is like them, it is not unreasonable for him or her to find a selfish struggle in any man’s fight to win or keep a governmental position.

Similar to how many people could view Gov. AA’s quest for a second term as a personal battle, the governor is actually working hard and his battles to carry on the fight are more of a fight for Kwara.

So, to the question ‘Is Gov. AA too fighting for Kwara’, my answer is Yea because a fight to prevent the return of Kwara to the gerigedi era is a fight for Kwara.

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